
Critical Incident Debrief - Indian River County Manhunt Hostage Rescue

This class is offered Monday only (3 hours)

Debrief presented by: Shane Joerger & Ryan Eggers

Shane Joerger has worked in law enforcement for ten years between two agencies. He currently works for the Indian River County Sheriff's Office in Florida, assigned to special operations as a canine handler on patrol and Team Leader of the part-time SWAT team, made up of twenty operators. Joerger is also assigned to the sniper team until the team expands to thirty operators. He has been directly involved in six officer involved shootings in his six years at the Indian River County Sheriff's Office.

Ryan Eggers began his law enforcement career in 2013 at a municipal police department before transitioning to the Indian River County Sheriff's Office in 2017. While at the Sheriff's Office, he has worked in the capacity of a uniformed patrol deputy, Field Training Deputy, Vice Detective, Detective Sergeant, and Uniform Patrol Sergeant. He is currently assigned as the Training Division Sergeant and a team leader on the SWAT Team.

Class Description

In June of 2022, a multi-time convicted felon took two women hostage, shooting one. He led law enforcement on a three county-wide pursuit that ended with a short vehicle barricade. The barricade turned into a rural manhunt and ended with a deputy involved shooting. The incident was captured on dash, body worn, and aviation camera. The debrief will break down the event chronologically and include the aforementioned video and finish with lessons learned.


Class Requirements

Class Location

Columbus Trade & Convention Center Classroom

801 Front Avenue

Columbus, GA 31901